A major tenet of WPDI is that, when it comes to peacebuilding, there is no monopoly: all citizens can and should be peacemakers in their own ways. Further, no one is born with the capacity to successfully mediate conflicts either. Conflict resolution is a skill that anyone can learn, irrespective of their age or social status. Therefore, teaching conflict resolution is at the bedrock of our work. By disseminating those skills, we hope to create a grassroots movement that can foster peace around the world. After all, peace is contagious.

Tools for Successful Conflict Resolution

WPDI has elaborated comprehensive Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) curricula, for certified courses that we bring into the communities, notably through our network of Community Learning Centers (CLCs) which are our outposts to disseminate a culture of peace and nonviolence. Radiating from the CLCs, our staff and volunteers go into the communities to teach these skills to a diversity of audiences, including at-risk youths, aspiring women peace champions, students and teachers in their schools or local stakeholders wishing to adopt more effective and nonviolent styles of leadership. No matter whom we train, WPDI places an emphasis on the importance of achieving inner peace in recognition of one’s identity; after all, if someone is not at peace with themselves, they cannot foster peace around them.


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