While athletic ability is undoubtedly valuable, incorporating it with training in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Business, and Conflict Resolution can be a transformative initiative to create pathways to skills and knowledge. The primary goal is to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, empowering participants with self-sufficiency. This course, conducted at basic and intermediate levels over the course of three weeks, provided participants with the knowledge to identify and understand various businesses within their community.


Operating in frequently isolated and underserved regions, a fundamental aspect of our mission involves enhancing the capabilities of our beneficiaries to engage with ICT, facilitating communication on a global scale, and generating opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our training courses are meticulously designed to cater to the unique circumstances of our target communities. The needs vary based on whether these communities are situated in developing countries or marginalized areas within industrialized nations.

To ensure effective learning and practical application of ICT skills, our Community Learning Centers (CLCs) offer trainees access to Internet-capable computers and online training modules. Additionally, we provide, through our partnership with Ericsson, training programs specifically designed for children, including on robotics programming.

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