In places where violence has, for too long, been perceived as the only way to address differences and conflicts, advocacy for peace, human rights and inclusion is a critical component to generate positive change in the long run. 

Empowering communities as places where peace is the norm has ripple effects that extend beyond individual lives as it influences the collective mindset. By instilling values of tolerance, empathy, and cooperation, educational campaigns in communities contribute to the emergence of a culture that rejects violence and embraces the principles of peace. In a settlement home to individuals scarred by conflict in their home countries, nurturing such a culture is indispensable for breaking the cycle of instability and sowing the seeds of a more secure and prosperous future.



Fostering Cultures of Peace in Schools

WPDI’s CRE curriculum can be implemented in schools across the world. It can be taught directly to pupils and students, through peace clubs or peer mediation programs, or integrated into core subjects like science, math, and social studies so that educators can teach CRE as an integrated dimension of learning. The program is a key vector for disseminating a culture of peace in a way that prepares citizens for their future responsibilities as members of the community. Importantly also, the program also generates very concrete results for the schools and their surrounding communities since it improves interpersonal relations among students on a daily basis. This immediate outcome is regularly reported upon both by students and teachers and has been confirmed by external evaluations. Finally, as schools become less violent and more peaceful, learners benefit from a more enabling environment that contributes to improving academic results. 



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