
Youth development is often hampered by sexual attitudes and behaviors that strengthen gender stereotypes and inequalities. Poor understanding of sexual and reproductive health often leads to strengthened prejudices on gender roles with highly detrimental impacts on the socio-economic opportunities as well as the self-image of women. To disseminate information at the local level, WPDI develops programs on sexual and reproductive health, as well as gender-based violence and diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Those programs, undertaken in partnership with UNESCO, UNFPA, AMREF or UN Women, are popular and empowering for both men and women.

WPDI SRH intervention aims to: 

As support to professional staff, our Youth Peacemakers were trained on topics that included family planning, menstrual hygiene, sexuality and gender, peer education, referral, communication and facilitation skills. They were also trained to be able to conduct outreach and referrals in their communities.


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